Download the last version for windows Sudoku+ HD
Download the last version for windows Sudoku+ HD

download the last version for windows Sudoku+ HD

Two guides are available to guide you through the verification process: How to verify your Monero CLI/GUI software is safe on Windows (beginner) - How to use the command line to verify your Monero CLI/GUI software is safe (advanced).

download the last version for windows Sudoku+ HD

These SHA256 hashes are listed for convenience, but a GPG-signed list of the hashes is at /downloads/hashes.txt and should be treated as canonical, with the signature checked against the appropriate GPG key in the source code. Please don't underestimate this step, a corrupted archive could result in lost funds. This will confirm that the files you downloaded perfectly match the files uploaded by the Monero development workgroup. You are strongly advised to verify the hashes of the archive you downloaded. Antivirusīe aware that some antiviruses and firewalls may flag the Monero executables and archives as malware. There are also packages available for multiple Linux distributions.

Download the last version for windows Sudoku+ HD